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What project do you have in mind? Look through Servier Medical Art’s collections and get started now. Launched in 2001, its images have been used in a wide range of medical and scientific communications, from journals, textbooks, and presentations, to online resources such as medical websites and materials for patient education. Eight people were killed in a shooting at an outlet mall near Dallas, and seven victims are being treated at trauma facilities, officials said Saturday night. Servier Medical Art is a recognized and reliable resource.

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Servier Medical Art’s extensive collection of over 3000 free medical images for building medical visual aids as well as writing publications is kept up to date to reflect the latest advances in medical knowledge and technology and is available for free use (under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license click here for more information on how to cite the source). Do you want to create powerful visual communications to get your message across clearly to health care professionals and educators? Do you need to explain complex medical concepts to your patients and students? Servier Medical Art is a trusted source of high-quality free medical illustrations and images designed with you in mind.

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